Guestbook entries, page 60

Jerry W.Wilson

Great Site:I was in Vietnam in 1970-1971 with the 585th.Trans.Company.If anybody was there plese email me at was at Camp Eagle.

Pam Wefler Lynch

Always interested to see what other Wefler’s are doing in life. There are not many of us in the U.S. We are located in Indiana and decendents of James Linden Wefler, my grandfather born 1880 died 1943, I never knew him I was born in 1959. Enjoyed your page! I presently attend Indiana State University studying graphic design. I am married with 2 children, Jacob and Joshua. My fathers name was Carl Ernest Wefler, a barber in Terre Haute, Indiana for over 50yrs. Would be interested to hear from you.
Webmaster’s note: Many thanks for the kind words and information. Unfortunately, however, I’m not a Wefler. When you visited my web site, it may have been “stuck” inside someone else’s frames — possibly a web site belonging to Bruce Wefler. Dave

Jan Veillon

Hi! Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate what you did in the war. I am a 40+ year old Social Studies teacher who uses your site to help educate child about war and the need to prevent. I feel the need to say I’m sorry but all I can do for you and so many others is to educate. You guys from Nam are NOT forgotten and the US is NOT forgiven.

Jim Cross

Julie Barch

I really enjoyed this page. My dad was a Vietnam War Vet, he died 4 years ago but I know that he would have enjoyed this page, thank you for taking so much time to put something like this together.

Jordan Dallas

Thanks for the great site i am doing a huge history scrapbook and your site really helped me out. Thanx!

Steve Mosca

Incredible site – incredible story. I was 12 yrs old during most of it – here at home, my cousins were hippies and they’re liberals with jobs and SUV’s. I didn’t understand anything about the war or much else until much later. Thank you for your service to our country, whatever the eventual meaning of it all. It is valuable to me to hear an honest, first person account of that time. Thank you for that as well. Good luck to you.


this is a great place u have here.

Bill Hiatt

I was in 25th infantry artillery vietnam 70-71. Much of your material here is very familiar, and I enjoyed your summary. I would add that many good friends were made there. However, unlike college, none were followed-up. Everyone just dispersed. However, will not forget getting drunk early in morning at Sea-Tac aiport when we were all heading home. Last time I saw all those guys. Since then, its been pretty damn boring. An old vet.

Steve Reeves
Your tripacer story is very inspiring! I went with my instructor today to go look at a Pulsar 582 experimental. It was a beautiful plane (although very cramped). I would like to buy it but I am still terrified of a homebuilt coming apart in the air! I need to see if I can rig up one of those ballistic recovery systems….hmmmmmm