Guestbook Archives, Page 12

Elizabeth Wilhoit

This is a very interesting and eye-opening web page. Thank you for your time and the hard work put into this so that others can read of your experiences.

John Hirsch
Found your page looking for Nui Ba Den. I was stationed in Tay Ninh Base Camp, most of my tour. Combat Engineer, HHC 588th Engineer Bat(C A). If you have a chance, visit my page. Have some close ups of the Mountain, plus an after action report for one of the fierce battles. John Hirsch. Drafted also, made E-5 (but only a ‘permanent’ PFC). Welcome Back.

Robert Gleason
Dave i really enjoyed your sight .I’m looking for some of the guys i served with in nam. I was with C 2nd 12th 25th inf div FSB PERSHING. 69-70 Been looking for sometime now found 2 I’ll keep on looking till i find more . Keep up the good sight Bob

dick larson of alaska

Enjoyed the tri-pacer words. Yes, flying does fulfill, whether it’s flying the mountains or doing touch-and-goes, and always puts us a little closer to Dad. Personally, am currently negotiating for a highly modified pacer that will be used for tight (short) hunting strips. Hope my sons and I enjoy it as much as you and yours have. You did good.

Hank Feingold

I enjoyed reading your stories. It brought back memories. I was drafted in 68,Dix,Sill,Bliss,Riley,Bragg and Viet Nam. I was assigned to the 82nd. Airborne as a Redeye Gunner and humped the boonies in VN doing search and destroy almost every day. It really sucked, but incredible memories and friends. I still cry. I lost too many buddies.

gary silva

hi: happened across your site and liked it. i was a 66-67 guy, 4th division, became part of the 25th at the end of 67…we were mostly at dau tieng with occasional visits to chu chi. i was part of the public information office (pio) ….photographer/reporter, did a lot of field work in the rung sat and war zone c, got shot at a lot, got very tired of that and made it home safely. what a freakin waste. good job. well done. gary


Great site! Thanks for your service. My dad has a cousin who was shot down in Laos. He was a “civilian” kicker. People like you make my life possible. Thanks.


Dave, I served in Germany in the 26th FA at O’Brien Barracks in Schwabach. I was there from 2/56 to 9/56. Before that, I was at Sheridan Kaserne in Augsburg. I was in the 21FA in the 5th Div. It was a good army, well-trained and disciplined. Our officers and NCO’s were all combat vets – WWII and Korea. They were professional and all business. I have nothing but admiration for all of you who served in Vietnam. So many Americans are oblivious to the dedication and loyalty that Vietnam Vets gave to their countrymen. There are, however, thousands upon thousands of verterns that feel for all of you and are grateful. Viel Gluck!

Komaki Keoni
I found your page fascinating and intriguing to say the least. I usually spend little time reading pages like this but my hats off to you for making it the way you did. A great HomePage!

Jerry Elmore

Barb Spado

Today is Feb 17, 2000 on the 19 th my husband Joe Spado will have been home from Viet Nam 30 years. He was a sargeant in the 2nd of the 22nd in the 25th Infantry, Tropic lightning. I’m glad he made it home. For those who didn’t we mourn.

edward m. gietka jr

Bob Brown
Thanks for sharing. And outstanding site. Come visit if you get the chance. Bob

Brenda Horocks

I just wanted to thank you for all of the time and effort that you put into creating this website. I am a senior at Western Michigan University, studying Elementary Education. I printed your entire website, including pictures to use as a resource for a research project I am doing on the Vietnam War era. I think it’s so important for educators to make an impact using personal information such as your story to help learners really understand the history on a personal level. I feel that by using your story/website in my lesson plans when teaching on Vietnam the students will be more interested and will be able to recall dates and events with much more respect. Your help has been greatly appreciated by me! Brenda

Myron Williams

Hello to all members of the 25th Inf Division. especially to the “White Warriors” 2/12 Inf. dau Tieng. Aug 67—-Nov 67, wounded Nov, 67 Loc Ninh

Carlos Alberto Villalobos Rodr guez
Your Midi colection is EXCELENT !!! Im building my own homepage with MIDI topics… and another musical items. I would like that you visit my page. Thanks again !!! Im going to link your midi colection into my website !!!

Eli Rohl

Currently giving instruction to a gentleman in a 1953 PA22-135. We are looking for performace data and weight and balance information.

Jeremy Nelson

My father (Gary) was also in the 25th Infantry division in Vietnam. Some of the places you have mentioned are familiar to me because my father has told me about some of them. My father was at that base camp at the foot of Nui Ba Den. He has shown me pictures of these places. He was over there in 68 and 69. I just thought I would write this to tell you how proud I am of my father and others like yourself. You are all heroes to me. Thank you for my freedom.

Kenneth Smith

VTR operator with HHB 3/13 F.A. 1970-71

Hope Mueller

Thank you for sharing your memoirs. I am only 19 years old and have not experienced anything like Vietnam. Hopefully I never will.

ohn King

Just surfing. I’ve enjoyed your pages of info. I’m only 37 so i was a kid when you were over there. Don’t remember much. I’m sorry if you endured much problems when you returned home. Media, public schools, were n’t telling the whole truth. Anyway, thankyou for your service. God bless you an all others who were there also.

Robert R Thomas

Edward J. Nagle

Enjoyed your rebuild story. I’m looking for a Tri-Pacer project but havn’t found it yet. Soloed a Tri-Pacer many years ago. Is there anywhere I can find information about what I can do myself in rebuilding a Tri-Pacer and what has to be done by a A&P. Ed

Mike Morrish

Co. C 589 Engineers [combat] Song Pha, S. Vietnam 1968-1970

George E.Larson

You were close to my area which was ben hoa afb. I know your mountain well as I flew past it for a year on my way to southern Camobdia. I was a Rustic FAC, .My callsign was Rustic Uniform ( Lunchbox)I flew out of BH from Aug 70 until Jul 71. 184 Missions.OV10 Bronco and cessna 02. The 02s I flew out of Saigon for two weeks, Then my callsign was Sundog Uniform. I really liked your page. Check out ours.

andy wallace

this site helped mw with a college english paper, it was a very big help, thanks alot.

Reynold L. Setzer

Thanks for the memories..Served in the 34th Armor. Hdq. Scout section, 1969-1970.

khiem do

thanks for sharing your stories i was with the ARVN 25th in Cu Chi 74-75

dairl eddington


jackie gallman


i’m 18 years old and a senior in high school and i’m doing a project on vietnam. your site was very helpful and i thank you for tell some of your story. i think you w ere all very brave and i wish that i can find half as much courage as you and the others that fought have. i don’t have an e-mail address anymore, sorry jackie gallman McDowell High School Marion, NC

Gale Smith

Served in B/2/27 68-69 then to repl trng school 69-70


Just messing around on the net and came across your pages of interesting happenings just wanted to say good job. I was with the 25th 4th 23rd mechanized at Tay NAN City Aug 68 to July 69. I did get an early out 66 days. I was a track mechanic and drove a recovery track. Wasn’t the best year of my life either but survived. I can talk about it now. Did not talk about it for many years. Thanks for sharing.

Candace Duplantis

Hello, This page helped me do my research paper for American History on the Vietnam War Thanks Candace Duplantis

Michael Dillow

J. E. Tompkins

Great story. Very moving and very real. I’m sure that you will never forget the experience. I am in a CSH unit USAR and enjoy the military very much. Reading your story however can’t compare to what you must have gone through. You are an interesting storyteller. I am very proud of you and all the Armed Service personnel who protect our country. May God bless and keep you. Sincerely, Cpt. JET

Chester Poole Jr.

Good page, saw it for the 1st time today (3/28/00). I spent 2 1/2 years in country, from 2/68 through 7/70. Most of the time was spent on top of Nui Ba Den with the 5th Special Forces and then TDY with the Nui Ba Den Provisional company. I’ll be retiring on 03/31/00 with over 30 years government work, the last 20 I spent as a federal law enforcement officer. Anyone with Nui Ba Den e-mail me as my spouse and I will be traveling the USA soon.

wayne davis

I am trying to locate an old army buddy from new york orlando alvarez. can you help me?

Bob King

I have never see a Tripacer on floats, So I have a question, Do floats exist for the Tripacer? Signed A new tripacer owner.

Jill Johnson Griffin

I am looking for anyone who was in Cu Chi or Binh Duong with the 25th Infantry Division Army with my brother Jim Johnson. He was an E3 hamradio op. was killed on March 3, 1970. Jim was from Letts, Iowa. Please contact me if you know any info. My e-mail is Thank you for letting us view your site. Jill

Jerry W.Wilson

Great Site:I was in Vietnam in 1970-1971 with the 585th.Trans.Company.If anybody was there plese email me at was at Camp Eagle.

Pam Wefler Lynch

Always interested to see what other Wefler’s are doing in life. There are not many of us in the U.S. We are located in Indiana and decendents of James Linden Wefler, my grandfather born 1880 died 1943, I never knew him I was born in 1959. Enjoyed your page! I presently attend Indiana State University studying graphic design. I am married with 2 children, Jacob and Joshua. My fathers name was Carl Ernest Wefler, a barber in Terre Haute, Indiana for over 50yrs. Would be interested to hear from you.

Webmaster’s note: Many thanks for the kind words and information. Unfortunately, however, I’m not a Wefler. When you visited my web site, it may have been “stuck” inside someone else’s frames — possibly a web site belonging to Bruce Wefler. Dave

Jan Veillon

Hi! Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate what you did in the war. I am a 40+ year old Social Studies teacher who uses your site to help educate child about war and the need to prevent. I feel the need to say I’m sorry but all I can do for you and so many others is to educate. You guys from Nam are NOT forgotten and the US is NOT forgiven.

Jim Cross

Julie Barch

I really enjoyed this page. My dad was a Vietnam War Vet, he died 4 years ago but I know that he would have enjoyed this page, thank you for taking so much time to put something like this together.

Jordan Dallas

Thanks for the great site i am doing a huge history scrapbook and your site really helped me out. Thanx!

Steve Mosca

Incredible site – incredible story. I was 12 yrs old during most of it – here at home, my cousins were hippies and they’re liberals with jobs and SUV’s. I didn’t understand anything about the war or much else until much later. Thank you for your service to our country, whatever the eventual meaning of it all. It is valuable to me to hear an honest, first person account of that time. Thank tyou for that as well. Good luck to you.


this is a great place u have here.

Bill Hiatt

I was in 25th infantry artillery vietnam 70-71. Much of your material here is very familiar, and I enjoyed your summary. I would add that many good friends were made there. However, unlike college, none were followed-up. Everyone just dispersed. However, will not forget getting drunk early in morning at Sea-Tac aiport when we were all heading home. Last time I saw all those guys. Since then, its been pretty damn boring. An old vet.

Steve Reeves
Your tripacer story is very inspiring! I went with my instructor today to go look at a Pulsar 582 experimental. It was a beautiful plane (although very cramped). I would like to buy it but I am still terrified of a homebuilt coming apart in the air! I need to see if I can rig up one of those ballistic recovery systems….hmmmmmm