Terry Racine
Nice site!!! Welcome Home to all I am currently looking for anyone who was at Camp Holloway, Pleiku in 1965 in the 25th. Lost a Brother, SP5 Frank Racine in battle of Pleime oct 20 65 Frank was crew chief in the 119th AHC Have pics of Lt.Yee and PFC McCary of the 25th. if you knew any of them please contact me. Uncletr655@aol.com
A friend of mine is looking to contact WOLFGANG WAGNER. They served together in the 25th from 66 to 67. If anyone knows of him your help would be appreciated.
dima mansour
samantha_17_@hotmail or samantha_17_1@yahoo
Great pics! I am studing for an aircraft ID test at school. Thanks for the great examples and help.
Ronnie Blair
I have a dragonfly and am still in the process of getting it ready for flight…I have change it to a hoop gear. I was wondering if you have your dragonfly running yet. We really would like a check ride in one… Can you help. I talked with Gene Arthur earlier, but I don’t think he is going to be able to help us… Have to go Later…
Major Stephen Sendobry (Ret)
I served as platoon Leader in Co. A 4th battalion 31st infantry from july 1966 to July 1967 & company Commander of D co 3rd Battalion 21st infantry from nov 1968 to Nov 1969. I served in the Army untill retirement in 1981. Would like to hear from anyone I served with!
Tiffany Horner
I really enjoyed reading and seeing the pictures, that you have.
Harvey Heistand
Enjoyed your stories. I was MACV 1965-66 (REMF-Saigon/Pleiku) 23rd Infantry Division 1971 Beautiful Chulai By-The-Sea 1971-72 155 Transportation-Cam Ranh Bay “The Fighting Stevedores” Retired 1980 Master Sergeant Don’t miss it a bit! Best Wishes Old Man Harvey in Charleston, SC
Ken Dams
It was great going through your scrapbook and reading what it was like. I have always had a very high interest in studying what it was like and what soldiers though about it.
urtis gilliland
Dave, You should see the area now around Nua Ba Dien. I have been back several times to the area. The mountain now has a sky lift going halfway up. There is also a large dam a few miles away that was built after the war. It is between the mountain and Dau tieng or just opposite Tay Nhing. Write if you want more pictures of the area. I have been back seven times now and have just returned home, curtis Gilliland C 2/28 1st Infantry 68-69
Fernando Amaton
Dave, We may have seen each other at Ft Sill. I was with A Battery, Staff and Faculty Bn, USAFAS Bde, in 1969/70. My MOS was Ballistic Meterology. Most of my class went to Nam, a few to Germany. I completed my time as Assistant Instructor and then in Supply. I’m actively trying to locate my buddies, Bob Trapp, Gibboney and Matthew Odom. They went to Vietnam around September 1969. I never heard back from them. I never told anyone I was in military service until the 1990’s, I believe you understand why. I would like to contact anyone who was with TAD in ’69/70, Ft Sill.
duril martindale
Bill Snyder
jim heady
very nice. brought back memories. i worked the western area of 3 corp, primarily serving the 25th inf. including tay ninh and cu chi during 69 & 70 as dustoff pilot. great job everyone – especially those of the WOLFHOUNDS i was shotdown with in aug. 69. thanks for a very good site. jim
I was a radar operator (ANPPS4&5) with the 25th JULY 67-68 4/9 infantry, We had to carry our radar set out on ambush patrol
John Greenwell
Starting to cover my 53 Tripacer after 18 months of clean up and fixing.
Roy V.Woodrum
Hi Dave I served from Aug 66 to Jul 67 HHTrp 3/4 Cav spent alot of time flying dawn patrol with Maj Peterson 25th Air Cav then was transfed to th NCOIC 9th Chemical then I flew so many missions I felt like a crew member we were supported by 200 Assulat Helo’s (CH 47’s) I think out of Pul Oi not sure on spelling,did chemical Drops (CS)also few Sniffners missions you have a great site
Roger E. Baker
rmt baker@yahoo.com
I was at Cuchi just before your arrival. Iwas a member of the 7th artillery 11th Bn. Spec5 in FDC.I praise God every day that I got back safe along with most of my buddies.Ienjoyed your web site believe me it brought back many memories, talk again , It helps some. Thanks,
You lucky dog!
(listowner’s comment: I agree with the _lucky_ part!)
John Woelfl
I have flown a Tri-Pacer and it has a high fun factor. I also have flown an SX-81 model heli and would like to get one again.
Andy Clark
I was with the 20th Transportation Co., (aircraft direct support) we were assigned to the 25th and located just of off the runway at CU CHI. I was there May 67- April 68
Curtis Mays
Hello Dave,I have a 1954 Tripacer 8039C. I’ve had it about a year. The engine was rebuilt before I bought it. Shortly thereafter I noticed it was blowing oil out of the crankcase vent at high RPM. We have tried everything from cam to rings. I noticed in your picture of the engine overhaul, it appears to have an aero-separator inline of the engine vent. I cannot find in the manuals the separator. I believe this would solve my problem. Please give me any info you have on this matter. Thanks for your time and have a nice evening..
Bravo Charliecharlie
1969-70. you see the address. Found 90 guys so far (7/13/99). Reunion next March. We are the only company from battalion not together. NOLI ME TANGERE
Clay Bostian
I am a student pilot and I am already considering buying a plane; probably in a partnership with a friend who is also a student. We are going this weekend to look at a 1953 Tripacer that is for sale. I am trying to get as much feedback as possible from people who fly tripacers to help in our buying decision. Your response would be appreciated. Thanks, Clay Bostian PS – Nice Website with good photos!
H. (Brownie) Braunsteiner
I left Fort Lewis with the 3rd Bde, 4th Ind Div in October 66 and barged ashore at Vung Tau a week later. We boarded sandbagged trucks and opened up highway #1 to Bear Cat relieving the 1st Inf Div (Big Red One). We only stayed a couple of months and then convoyed to Dau Tieng in the proximity of the Michelin rubber plantation where we established a base camp as part of the 25th. I was the Bde Op’s sergeant under Colonel Marshall C. Garth the Bde CO and CSM Bill V. Woods. Although our paths may not have crossed, we owe many lives to you brave hearts that sat in a small vehicle presenting a luscious target to Charlie while telling us where he was. I think your web page is out of sight……….best I’ve ever seen. Your writing stile is worthy of a book I’d certainly buy if you ever decided to publish. I especialy got a kick out of your comments “sitting on the latrine”, because that’s how I was hit by an incoming round at 0300 hours when Charlie cut loose on our base camp. Went on many op’s near Nui Ba Den, Tai Ninh, Iron Triangle and Parrots Beak. My last few months I was the First Sergeant of Hq & Hq Co, 3rd Bde, 25th to fill the slot of the former Top who was KIA. Welcome Home my friend and enjoy your sky vehicle ! Hooah Brownie brownie@narrows.com
Rob Ferucci
Dave, Thanks for sharing your experience. Eventhough I was just born during the vietnam era, I have always been interested in learning about the war and while many stories aren’t always pleasant, people should know and understand what those who experienced it went through. I have a friend who served in the 25th infantry ’68-’69 but I know he is uncomfortable speaking about it. Thanks again as the best information on the war comes from those who were really there.
Charles McCourt
Hi To All that visit here. I wish all a welcome home. I was in Nam Aug.69 Thru Dec.70 with the A Co. 725th Maint. Bn. I was a field radio repairman and as such I spent a lot of time all over in virtually every location of the 25th’s AO with many different units on contact teams in all aspects including Cambodia in Apr.70. So as such I would apprecite hearing from any and all that remember me or from all those that would just like to drop me a note.
Chuck Crosby
My dad was in the 25th ID Artillery 68-69. I think 1-77 FA or 2-77 FA. He spent 27 years as an artilleryman, and is retired from the army. I am spending a career in the army as well, as an Infantryman. If you get a chance to E-mail me at the above address, I will reply with my dad’s e-mail. I am sure he would enjoy swapping notes.
daniel celeskey
looking for piper tripacer tail no. N-3719 A serial no. 22-1959
daniel celeskey
hello dave ! very helpful & knowledgeable. this aircraft started out in my family 45 years ago. thank you, daniel p.s. thumbs up !
John Woelfl
I have flown a Tri-Pacer and it has a high fun factor. I also have flown an SX-81 model heli and would like to get one again.
Andy Clark
I was with the 20th Transportation Co., (aircraft direct support) we were assigned to the 25th and located just of off the runway at CU CHI. I was there May 67- April 68
Curtis Mays
Hello Dave,I have a 1954 Tripacer 8039C. I’ve had it about a year. The engine was rebuilt before I bought it. Shortly thereafter I noticed it was blowing oil out of the crankcase vent at high RPM. We have tried everything from cam to rings. I noticed in your picture of the engine overhaul, it appears to have an aero-separator inline of the engine vent. I cannot find in the manuals the separator. I believe this would solve my problem. Please give me any info you have on this matter. Thanks for your time and have a nice evening..
Bravo Charliecharlie
1969-70. you see the address. Found 90 guys so far (7/13/99). Reunion next March. We are the only company from battalion not together. NOLI ME TANGERE
Clay Bostian
I am a student pilot and I am already considering buying a plane; probably in a partnership with a friend who is also a student. We are going this weekend to look at a 1953 Tripacer that is for sale. I am trying to get as much feedback as possible from people who fly tripacers to help in our buying decision. Your response would be appreciated. Thanks, Clay Bostian PS – Nice Website with good photos!
H. (Brownie) Braunsteiner
I left Fort Lewis with the 3rd Bde, 4th Ind Div in October 66 and barged ashore at Vung Tau a week later. We boarded sandbagged trucks and opened up highway #1 to Bear Cat relieving the 1st Inf Div (Big Red One). We only stayed a couple of months and then convoyed to Dau Tieng in the proximity of the Michelin rubber plantation where we established a base camp as part of the 25th. I was the Bde Op’s sergeant under Colonel Marshall C. Garth the Bde CO and CSM Bill V. Woods. Although our paths may not have crossed, we owe many lives to you brave hearts that sat in a small vehicle presenting a luscious target to Charlie while telling us where he was. I think your web page is out of sight……….best I’ve ever seen. Your writing stile is worthy of a book I’d certainly buy if you ever decided to publish. I especialy got a kick out of your comments “sitting on the latrine”, because that’s how I was hit by an incoming round at 0300 hours when Charlie cut loose on our base camp. Went on many op’s near Nui Ba Den, Tai Ninh, Iron Triangle and Parrots Beak. My last few months I was the First Sergeant of Hq & Hq Co, 3rd Bde, 25th to fill the slot of the former Top who was KIA. Welcome Home my friend and enjoy your sky vehicle ! Hooah Brownie brownie@narrows.com
Rob Ferucci
Dave, Thanks for sharing your experience. Eventhough I was just born during the vietnam era, I have always been interested in learning about the war and while many stories aren’t always pleasant, people should know and understand what those who experienced it went through. I have a friend who served in the 25th infantry ’68-’69 but I know he is uncomfortable speaking about it. Thanks again as the best information on the war comes from those who were really there.
Charles McCourt
Hi To All that visit here. I wish all a welcome home. I was in Nam Aug.69 Thru Dec.70 with the A Co. 725th Maint. Bn. I was a field radio repairman and as such I spent a lot of time all over in virtually every location of the 25th’s AO with many different units on contact teams in all aspects including Cambodia in Apr.70. So as such I would apprecite hearing from any and all that remember me or from all those that would just like to drop me a note.
Chuck Crosby
My dad was in the 25th ID Artillery 68-69. I think 1-77 FA or 2-77 FA. He spent 27 years as an artilleryman, and is retired from the army. I am spending a career in the army as well, as an Infantryman. If you get a chance to E-mail me at the above address, I will reply with my dad’s e-mail. I am sure he would enjoy swapping notes.
daniel celeskey
looking for piper tripacer tail no. N-3719 A serial no. 22-1959

daniel celeskey
hello dave ! very helpful & knowledgeable. this aircraft started out in my family 45 years ago. thank you, daniel p.s. thumbs up !
Richard Guay
Well done, lots of thought in the content,and I enjoy your thorough response to the questions in the History of the Viet Nam War 101. Please keep up the good work.
Thomas Devine Flint,MI
I was checking your site out.I liked it so well that I gave you a link on my Hobbies page.I also see that you are a vet.I am also.23rd inf div. If you are out running the web.Stop by and take a look.Good job.
Jonas Holl n
Hello Dave ! Great Pages ! Keep up all the good work… / Jonas Holl n
Sam Clay
Love your page man. GREAT!!
Joel Fream
It has been a long time. Your site brought back many memories. We have much in common. Among them Radar, small planes and bagage not carried yet not forgotten. Thank You Joel L. Fream Sgt. USAF 1966-1970 DOB 11/12/47
Richard Bongiovanni
Hi my name Rich my father and I are looking into restoring a tripacer.We do not know much about them other then they are one heck of a performer for the money. Please e-mail any info you can to us. Thanks, Rich & Joe Bongiovanni
katie Dooling
i am a 17 year old british girl currently doing a project on vietnam for a major a-level piece of work. whilst researching i found your site which was of great help, however i would very much appreciate any web pages you could e.mail me containg any after action reports for your division as this is a mjo piece of research i am missing. thank you for creating such a useful site!!