Guestbook entries, page 56

Elizabeth Wilhoit

This is a very interesting and eye-opening web page. Thank you for your time and the hard work put into this so that others can read of your experiences.

John Hirsch
Found your page looking for Nui Ba Den. I was stationed in Tay Ninh Base Camp, most of my tour. Combat Engineer, HHC 588th Engineer Bat(C A). If you have a chance, visit my page. Have some close ups of the Mountain, plus an after action report for one of the fierce battles. John Hirsch. Drafted also, made E-5 (but only a ‘permanent’ PFC). Welcome Back.

Robert Gleason
Dave i really enjoyed your sight .I’m looking for some of the guys i served with in nam. I was with C 2nd 12th 25th inf div FSB PERSHING. 69-70 Been looking for sometime now found 2 I’ll keep on looking till i find more . Keep up the good sight Bob

dick larson of alaska

Enjoyed the tri-pacer words. Yes, flying does fulfill, whether it’s flying the mountains or doing touch-and-goes, and always puts us a little closer to Dad. Personally, am currently negotiating for a highly modified pacer that will be used for tight (short) hunting strips. Hope my sons and I enjoy it as much as you and yours have. You did good.

Hank Feingold

I enjoyed reading your stories. It brought back memories. I was drafted in 68,Dix,Sill,Bliss,Riley,Bragg and Viet Nam. I was assigned to the 82nd. Airborne as a Redeye Gunner and humped the boonies in VN doing search and destroy almost every day. It really sucked, but incredible memories and friends. I still cry. I lost too many buddies.

gary silva

hi: happened across your site and liked it. i was a 66-67 guy, 4th division, became part of the 25th at the end of 67…we were mostly at dau tieng with occasional visits to chu chi. i was part of the public information office (pio) ….photographer/reporter, did a lot of field work in the rung sat and war zone c, got shot at a lot, got very tired of that and made it home safely. what a freakin waste. good job. well done. gary


Great site! Thanks for your service. My dad has a cousin who was shot down in Laos. He was a “civilian” kicker. People like you make my life possible. Thanks.


Dave, I served in Germany in the 26th FA at O’Brien Barracks in Schwabach. I was there from 2/56 to 9/56. Before that, I was at Sheridan Kaserne in Augsburg. I was in the 21FA in the 5th Div. It was a good army, well-trained and disciplined. Our officers and NCO’s were all combat vets – WWII and Korea. They were professional and all business. I have nothing but admiration for all of you who served in Vietnam. So many Americans are oblivious to the dedication and loyalty that Vietnam Vets gave to their countrymen. There are, however, thousands upon thousands of verterns that feel for all of you and are grateful. Viel Gluck!

Komaki Keoni
I found your page fascinating and intriguing to say the least. I usually spend little time reading pages like this but my hats off to you for making it the way you did. A great HomePage!