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Guest Book Entries

Jason, Alan, Grandma, Mom


Hey Uncle David, How's it going? Everybody is up here for Thanksgiving and we think that your website is great! I hope you're having fun with it (I'm sure you are). Well we'll be talking to you later. Jason

Shawn M. Peterson


As a former member of the 25th ID I found you site very informative. The main reason I searched through your site was to find info on my uncle's old unit. He served with B Battery, 2nd of the 77th field artillery, 25th ID near the Angel's Wing. How could I find out more info on whatever happened to his old unit?

Russ Jensen


Hi, Paul showed me your site. GREAT Job!!

Tom White


Dave, I was a radar tech for the 9th infantry division. They had two 25' and a bunch of pps5's. The batallian commander was rabid about keeping them going. I've spent a lot of hours on the tower at night trying to get it going again. Had any contact with operators or techs from the 709th Maint.?

Fairy Melora

~sprinkle~~ sprinkle ~~sprinkle~
You have been dusted by Fairy Melora
Each tiny sprinkle of dust brings with it a gift
Red sprinkles bring luck
Green sprinkles bring cheer
Pink sprinkles bring spirit
May the light from this spiritstick guide your path to victory.
Be sure to post some cheers in SHOUT IT OUT and share your good cheer and spirit with everyone

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Click here for a gift from Fairy Melora

Tim Sullivan


Excellent web page. I own a 1954 tri-pacer.


Great use of frames. Very nice page you have here. Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook.


Just wanted to stop by and wish you well in the site fights! And to leave you a spirit stick to boost your spirits!! We enter the fights on Monday !! Good Luck!! Deborah

Visit our Spirit Page!!


Hi! Just thought you might like to check out some of my husbands RC airplanes at this url!! He loves to build and fly!


You have a great page here...very professional i cant beleive you only got a six yesterday...you have my support from here on out! Id like to add you to my support list on my daily mailer if you dont mind. If you'd like to receive the daily reminder let me know and I'll send it to you but ill put your page on the support list and see if we cant drum up some votes for you. :)

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