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http://www.thunderrolls.com Hi
there! Well, still in there voting for you. hope you are doing the same
for me. I'm getting beat up also. Enjoy!
pkin@yahoo.com Nice page!
The picture gallery was interesting...
I served 11 months at 2:nd ranger company here in Sweden 94-95. /PK
Hi Dave you can delete this entry i
have tried reaching you on your e mail but it comes back to me....drop me
a line I want to ask you a few questions
Tom Striegler
Nice web site. I've enjoyed my visit here and will stop back by later to
see what's been added. Although I was in Vietnam a couple of years before
you and spent most of my time in the Mekong Delta, I did get to Tay Ninh
and Dau Tieng for a short period. Used to fire a lot of artillery up into
the Parrot's Beak area. Tom Striegler
Beryl Prior
Nice photos,page looks good.very interesting.Thanks.
Jennifer Branch Denard
JD2813@aol.com http://members.aol.com/JD2813/Dad.html Thank you for
the lessons on your page.Welcome home Vets!!!! I am very interested in the
goings on of the 25th during Vietnam. My dad was a Golden Dragon. Maybe
you knew him? He died in Dau Tieng on the Michelin plantation on 6-6-70. I
have ear marked your page and will visit often. Thank you!!
mamos@arinc.com Well...I havent seen the whole picture...I am not
computer friendly...your web page is only coming up 3/4 of the way. Do you
have a suggestion?
Dave Brennan
brennan@cyberbeach.net Nice home page Dave, I especially like the
link to real audio of tower control. Keep up the good work! Is it possible
to have real audio, or wav files of aircraft taking off?
klt01@sprynet.com Thank you for sharing this part of your past.Enjoyed
your site - spend a long time looking over your photos. I have my war
photos too, but there are not as good quality as your pics. Mine are now
mostly faded.
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