D A V E ' S S C R A P B O O K
Book Entries
John King
magnum_01@hotmail.com Just surfing. I've enjoyed your pages of
info. I'm only 37 so i was a kid when you were over there. Don't remember
much. I'm sorry if you endured much problems when you returned home.
Media, public schools, were n't telling the whole truth. Anyway,
thankyou for your service.
God bless you an all others who were there also.
Robert R Thomas
Edward J. Nagle
Enjoyed your rebuild story. I'm looking
for a Tri-Pacer project
but havn't found it yet. Soloed a Tri-Pacer many years ago. Is there
anywhere I can find information about what I can do myself in rebuilding a
Tri-Pacer and what has to be done by a A&P.
Mike Morrish
morrish_mike@yahoo.com Co. C 589 Engineers [combat]
Song Pha, S. Vietnam 1968-1970
George E.Larson
mucha@bellsouth.net You were close to my area which was ben hoa afb. I
know your mountain well as I flew past it for a year on my way to southern
Camobdia. I was a Rustic FAC, www.rustic.org .My callsign was Rustic
Uniform ( Lunchbox)I flew out of BH from Aug 70 until Jul 71. 184
Missions.OV10 Bronco and cessna 02. The 02s I flew out of Saigon for two
weeks, Then my callsign was Sundog Uniform. I really liked your page.
Check out ours.
andy wallace
this site helped mw with a college english paper, it was a very big help,
thanks alot.
Reynold L. Setzer
Thanks for the memories..Served in the 34th Armor. Hdq. Scout section,
khiem do
dokhiem@yahoo.com thanks for sharing your stories
i was with the ARVN 25th in Cu Chi 74-75
dairl eddington

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