D A V E ' S S C R A P B O O K
Book Entries
Jim Steinman
jsteinman@pol.net Thanks for the opportunity to visit your page. I
spent most of my time reading the comments in this guest book. I had
actually visited briefly once before and copied your Tripacer stats. My
wife and I have a 57 Tripacer (8000M), which we bought in Alaska when we
were working in Dillingham a few years back. We flew it to upstate New
York where we now live. We have enjoyed the plane tremendously, but
unfortunately, are needing to sell it now.
Reading your story about your tripacer reminded me of a dream I had last
night, wherein I was flying the tripacer with a full load of 3 passengers
and had to set down on a country road for some reason. I couldn't get it
off the ground again, and found myself wandering through a large dining
hall looking for some help, carrying the tripacer around on my back and
trying to be careful not to bump into people with the wingtips. I have
gotten in and out of some tight places with it, but nothing like that.
Forgive my wordiness. I would like to come back and visit again sometime.
If any of those folks interested in a Tripacer would like to contact me,
you can give me a call at (3l5)894-2593. I have someone quite interested
in it at this time, but the no final offer has been made. More details are
available at AOPA classified section also.
jcnelsonjr@hotmail. I was a heavy equipment mechanic in Seabee Team 0913.
The last Seabee Team to live at the base in Go Dau Ha. We left in July of
1969. Were you there then. I remember a fellow in the Army radar unit from
Texas. I believe his first name was Jim. I lost all, the pictures I had of
the base . What a surprse when I ran into your pictures
Carolyn Fry
Ladicat@webtv.net Wonderful midi site . Great job . Please keep it up
Peter Lubig
lubigp@cadvision.com I just started to read your home page, very
interesting and well done. I'm presently looking for such an aircraft and
seeking more info. on the Pacer or tri-pacer.
It would be great to teach my kids to fly an aircraft like above.
thanks Peter
Chris A. Boyes
CBoyes_98@yahoo.com Dave,
You have done an excellent job on this web page. My Vietnamese wife came
to the U.S.after her father was released from a Viet Cong re-education
camp. To better understand her life, I've embarked on much research. I
have read many different books and articles detailing many of the relevant
issues. It is interesting to see the many viewpoints that help define my
understanding. Thanks for helping with your excellent web page.
Chris A. Boyes
RINAX2@AOL.COM I was very young when my father joined the navy. I
can remember him vividly in his dress uniform leaving while my mother
cried. I am very interested in hearing the stories and facts regarding
this war. Thank you for everything you did. This website was one of the
best I've come across yet!!
Helen Ewing
butterbean1953@yahoo Hi, I am trying to find the names of the army
firebases in Vietnam. Do you have a list of them and their locations? I
am trying to help my husband get Service Connection. Please respond as
soon as you can. Thanks
albert chevarie
chevy5_ca@tahoo.com iam a canadian but always thought you all got a bumm
deal for what you guys done there but myself have the most respect for you
orkdork@hotmail.com I had a report due the next day, and it was to
be on the vietnam.This site helped a lot, thanx.great work
Brainard Janicki
bjanicki@identifix.com 47 year old GA student looking for a
plane,the Tripacer looks cool.

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