D A V E ' S S C R A P B O O K
Book Entries
none Hey, I found your page surffing
the web under Piper Tri-Pacer...and what a let down...no R/C model Pipers
or any information to where someone can foind a kit or plans...
Web owner's
Golly, life does have it's little disappointments. Yes, no? If you
care to look,
I've seen some ads in RCM magazine recently for RC Tri-pacer
Jim Pluimer
dalaloon@angelfire.com http://www.angelfire.com/mn/dalaloon/page6.html
Excellent site, Dave!
I served in Cu Chi from 01/69 to 12/69 with the 725th Maint. Btn.
Must have been standing right behind you at the USO show. Was your name
"Bill" that day?
Christian Meyer
designby@t-online.de http://www.crime.de Howdy
Dave, really great page, phantistic Photos!
Found you searching piper-tripacer. I`m interestet a`58-160 Tripacer.
The asked Price is about $27.000.-. TT 1905H, TB 840H
Very old NAV/COM. Can you give me some Info to respect before buying this
Plane? Many Thanks, Greetings from Germany
edward lin
batou@hknet.com Your picture are very impressive. If possible please
send me further information. thanks,
Rob Rivais
lordt@home.com Since you were at cu chi I was wandering if you might
know of any suviving tunnel rats. WELCOME HOME from a Canadian...
Pfc. Mario C. Gonzalez
glennglenn@netzero.net http://www.army.mil I am a
soldier in United States Army. My MOS is 11Bravo(Light Infantry)
Your account of the experiences in Vietnam really moved me. I don't know
what I would have done there. Probably the character flaws that I know
exist in me would come out, in deadly force. Myself, I am afraid of what
I might be capable of. I know I picked a shitty MOS, because of what I
might have to do, and what I might have to experience in war. Time will
tell if I will become the killing machine that I know lives in inside of
myself, and the majority of the other soldiers in my MOS.
Truly, God help those that would oppose the US.
Web owner's note:
I'm sure you'll do well should you ever be called to battle. It is my
prayer, however, that there will be no more wars.
Harry T. Kiley
harcat@stargate.net I served with HHB 25th Inf. Div. Arty in 1965,66 &
67. I went from Schofield to CuChi with them.
Good site!
Harry Kiley
harcat@stargate.net Hey Dave,
Believe it or not, you're the 1st person I've talked to from HHB Div
Arty also...My duties ran from motor pool to RTO to surveying to convoy
I really enjoyed hearing from you. My brother(also a VN vet) was in the
4th out of Ft. Lewis, Wash. Are you aware of any site with info?
I belong to the 25th Inf Div Assoc.
Tri State Chapter. I'm from the Pittsburgh, PA area.
Take care.....talk atcha later.
Martin Vipond
mjvipond@voyager.net Hey! Enjoyed your page very much. About a year ago
I flew as a cameraman in a Tripacer to video tape some home built
experimentals. I was really impressed at how well the TP worked out as a
photo ship.
I especially enjoyed your essay on rebuilding your airplane.
Mike Bourget
falconaviation@home.com Just read your storey on the Tri-pacer,, very
nice,, I am currently looking to rebuild a tri-pacer that is for sale in
my area (Ottawa, Canada) and was looking for some inspiration and
information I've found it thanks!!

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