' S S C R A P B O
Guest Book Entries
pam blackwel@logantele.com
Friday, August 31, 2001 10:37:29 AM
God bless you and Thank you for serving! My site is a Tribute to my father who
was KIA 3 weeks before I was born.
Lori Colbourne
Wednesday, September 5, 2001 3:00:37 PM
Hello, I'm Lori, I'm 14 and from Wales, Uk...
I was just searching yahoo.com for my history homework/coursework and your site
came up, so thank you for the help and pictures.
Johnny Sinnett
Monday, September 17, 2001 5:49:51 PM
I served at Cu Chi in the 3rd of 13th artillery from Oct. 1967 to Oct. 1968 I
have alot of pictures that are simlar
to your. Johnny Sinnett
Ted MajTD_014@aol.com
Monday, October 15, 2001 1:05:09 PM
What an incredibly interesting site, Dave. Your
narratives brought back many memories. Thanks for sharing! Ted.
Fred Burleson Steamtrain88@hotmail.com
Saturday, October 20, 2001 10:43:47 PM
I enjoyed your page. It brought back memories. I served with "C" Btry 1/8 Artillery, 25th Infantry 11/68 to 11/69. I served
at Fire Base Keene III, Dau Tang, Fire Base Jackson,
Patrol Base Dimond II nad III and Fire Base Devens.
Pete Sawyer peterjsawyer@aol.com
Tuesday, November 6, 2001 5:22:33 AM
I was drafted Nov 1968 Basic at Ft Bliss, AIT Ft Benning
and 4 weeks at Ft Sill and then on to Budingen
Germany to serve with 3/12 Air Cav Budigen. I never went to Nam. But I am sure that we
certainly crossed paths. Your Web Page is outstanding.
joe nawrozki joe.nawrozki@baltsun.com
Tuesday, November 20, 2001 2:41:46 PM
Nice site, comprehensive, another voice well spoken. The stereotypes of Nam
vets was so horrendous -- but not all the fault of the media. Some guys elected
to be professional vets; worse, wannabes really clouded the issue. The most sound testimony to our making it back in The World are
folks like you, uncompromising, understated. We all lead by our walk, not our
talk. And please remember, some of us went into the media and brought much understanding
and truth to the issue. Anyway, welcome home and celebrate life. JN, ROK Tiger Div., 66-67, army combat correspondent.
gary larabee glarabee@procal.com
Tuesday, November 20, 2001 2:55:35 PM
i was in nam oct68-oct69 at
(correct spelling) dau tieng.
itis pronounced zau tieng. i too saw the black virgin mountain every day, that's
how i knew i was still
alive. you did a #1 job on your site. welcome home
Joe Green j.b.green@bathspa.ac.uk
Friday, November 30, 2001 3:29:40 AM
Great site. Your site and ones like it are what the internet should be about.
Keep on keepin on
Nicole Klonicki
and Brent Jury Jr.
Tuesday, December 4, 2001 6:51:27 AM
I think that what you have shared about Vietnam is really neat......I was
glancing through for an assignment we are doing in my english
class......we are reading the book Fallen Angles about Vietnam and now we are
going to be putting the report toghether......its amazing that war is so real.......I just wanted you to
know that this stuff is awesome and to say thank you in your help with
providing me with this information.
Earnest Mac Spurlin spurlin-mac@mindspring.com
Sunday, December 23, 2001 10:54:17 PM
Served with C Troop 12th Cav 3rd Armored Division in Budingen, Germany from Oct 1966 to March 1969 as a tank
mechanic. Did not care much for the Army but loved my job and my after duty
hour activities - especially my last 18 months.
Richard Charlson ractruckin@msn.com
Monday, December 24, 2001 2:22:39 PM
Dave what a greate site!! I stumbled across it
looking for pa-22 pic. Looking for
a RC scale to work on for the winter. I was with the 572nd Trans Co.
Long Ben 69/70. Thank You for this great page and WELCOME HOME BROTHER. Rich
Ron Leonard rollayo@earthlink.net
Monday, December 24, 2001 8:37:22 PM
Good Job.
i was one of the guys that
got to blow hell out of the bushes sometimes when you found movement. FSB
Crook, Washington and Diamond to name a few