D A V E ' S S C R A P B O O K
Book Entries
Barb Spado
spado@macalester.edu Today is Feb 17, 2000 on the 19 th my husband Joe
Spado will
have been home from Viet Nam 30 years. He was a sargeant in the
2nd of the 22nd in the 25th Infantry, Tropic lightning. I'm glad he
it home. For those who didn't we mourn.
edward m. gietka jr
Bob Brown
vietvetbob@hotmail.com http://www.kangas-consulting.com/jbrown Thanks for
sharing. And outstanding site. Come visit if you get the chance.
Brenda Horocks
x95horrocks@wmich.edu I just wanted to thank you for all of the
time and effort that you put into creating this website. I am a senior at
Western Michigan University, studying Elementary Education. I printed
your entire website, including pictures to use as a resource for a
research project I am doing on the Vietnam War era. I think it's so
important for educators to make an impact using personal information such
as your story to help learners really understand the history on a personal
level. I feel that by using your story/website in my lesson plans when
teaching on Vietnam the students will be more interested and will be able
to recall dates and events with much more respect. Your help has been
greatly appreciated by me! Brenda
Myron Williams
myronwilliams@webtv.net Hello to all members of the 25th Inf
Division. especially to the "White Warriors" 2/12 Inf. dau Tieng.
Aug 67----Nov 67, wounded Nov, 67 Loc Ninh
Carlos Alberto Villalobos Rodr guez
musicharly@hotmail.com http://www.orbita.starmedia.com/~musicharly Your Midi
colection is EXCELENT !!!
Im building my own homepage with MIDI topics... and another musical
items. I would like that you visit my page.
Thanks again !!! Im going to link your midi colection into my website
Eli Rohl
Erohl@aol.com Currently giving instruction to a gentleman in a
1953 PA22-135. We are looking for performace data and weight and balance
Jeremy Nelson
My father (Gary) was also in the 25th
Infantry division in Vietnam. Some of the places you have mentioned are
familiar to me because my father has told me about some of them. My
father was at that base camp at the foot of Nui Ba Den. He has shown me
pictures of these places. He was over there in 68 and 69. I just thought
I would write this to tell you how proud I am of my father and others like
yourself. You are all heroes to me. Thank you for my freedom.
Kenneth Smith
Jenawasdad@aol.com VTR operator with HHB 3/13 F.A. 1970-71
Hope Mueller
hmueller@oswego.edu Thank you for sharing your memoirs. I am only 19
years old and have not experienced anything like Vietnam. Hopefully I
never will.

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