' S S C R A P B O
Guest Book Entries
I have a buddy who I met and went through AIT with at Ft. Polk. We flew to VN
together. He went to 25th, I to 9th. Never saw or heard from him again. His
name isn't on the wall, so I'm sure he returned. Anyone knowing of Lawrence Pacquette (Larry), I would appreciate a note. Haven't been able to locate him through other avenues. Really enjoyed reading your page. Helps
with some closure to an otherwise dreadful time in all our lives.
Great web-site. I really enjoyed your commentaries about Army life and
Nam. I remember guys coming back on early outs and being so happy they made it
back alive AND early. My dad was a Marine for 23 years (1st 16 of my life he
was active duty.) He got out just before Lyndon Johnson really amped the war
up. I thought I would make the military my life at one time, but fate stepped
in with a major physical trauma when I was 15. The military only wants
undamaged players. Anyway, a different path for me than you.
Thanks, man for your page and your service to the rest of us.
I was a duster section chief in nam from 66-67
battery base camp was Tay Nina. we
supported the 196th LIB until they left for Chu Lai in Feb or Mar 67 then the
25th took over. we supported the infranty
units for the at a lot of places. Sui Da
The black virgin mountain nu ba din and a lot of
Thanks for your help with my school project!
Would like more info is any reunion of the 25th Inf Div, HeadQuarters Co. 7/11 Artilery, based at FSB Buell & FSB Washington, Parots Beak, 9/69-9/70. I have some photo's,
and Thunder Magazines.
Dave - A very well presented site. My step-father served in Viet Nam. I was not
of age to serve and by the time I was of age, the draft stopped. I have several
asian friends, some that are
vietnamese and one in particular that has been in the
U.S. now for about six years. I might even consider him my best friend. His
name is Vu and, not surprising, his last name is Nguyen. Last month I had the
opportunity to travel home with Vu while he visited family. We toured through
Ho Chi Mihn City, Nha Trang, DaLat, and the small town
of Cai Be, in the Mekong Delta, where Vu's family
lives. Even though I made many new friends and saw some incredibly beautiful
places, I also saw the results of a represive
government - extreme poverty. It put the world in perspective and made me truly
appreciate the freedoms and livestyle that I enjoy in
the United States. You were right on key when you said
that freedom isn't free. The lives of many were altered and much blood shed for the freedom that I enjoy today. Thanks from
the bottom of my heart for doing what you had to do - being a patriot and hero
in Vietnam. Sincerely, Ken Butner
I really enjoyed your Vietnan tour. I was with Bco. 2/12INF.25thID from Oct. 68-Dec.69 We worked out of Trang Bang and FSB Pershing NE of Trang
Bang up 6/A. I had to extend for 64 days to get the early-out. I went bact to Vietnam in Oct 98 and the people are very friendly.
The kids study English in school and when they find out Americans are back they
come from all over to practice their English. The country is beautiful and
peaceful. God Bless
I really like your web page but I was wondering if you have any ground pictures
of the Vietnam War. If you don't then it is o.k. Thanks
I was the G-2 Operation Sergeant in Cu Ci, from Apr
68 - Apr 69. I was on duty one night in the division TOC when the
communications site on Nui Ba Den was over run. It
was raining and we couldn't get up any gunship to help them. They weren't
protected by any infantry, only communications and mess personnel. As I
remember the VC besides the US KIA's took 4 U.S. prisoners. I still remember what
a radio operator said as we listen in the dark and rain, he said "It is
raining, the wind is blowing, people are being killed and there is nothing I
can do." I know the prisoners were released by the VC, but I think were
suffering from wounds. Why doesn't the 25th Infantry every hold a reunion? I am
retired now, and will attemped to write a book about
the year I served with the 25th. In a headquarters, you can experience the
whole situation, and many funny things happen at very serious times. Let me hear
from you.