' S S C R A P B O
Guest Book Entries
I am a 17 year old step daughter of a vetenam veteran
named Joe Reames. I am doing a reasearch
paper about the psychological effects of the war on the veterans. I chose this
topic to help me in better understanding my stepfather as well as others. I
have also always been sort of interested in the whole deal and what it was
like. This web page has helped me a great deal and I want to give all my
respect and gratitude to all of the vietnam veterans
for putting their lives on the line so that I can have the life I do today.:) Sincerey, Cara Hobbs
Very nice site. I was at Chu Chi 1968 to 69. A co. little bears 25th
I am bulding my website to showcase my RVN pacth collection, host a page for the local VVA 416
Chapter, plus my own stuff.. I am an associate member
of the VVA, not a vet (too young) but grew up on military bases... have worked
w/ RVN vets as medic and cops for may
years.... I have a patch for 3/4 Cav, 25th MI Co. I
am looking for info on... can you E-Mail me so we can exchange so info????
Welcome Home! LT
Cool site! Thanks!
Nice. I've also gone through the joy of rebuilding a Tri-pacer. 1954 PA-22-135
#2049 They sure are cute aren't they?
You certainly have a beautiful little aircraft there,
sir. I am a student pilot and there are quite a few Tri-Pacers and Colts at the
field I fly from but, none in the kind of condition yours is in. I have always
thought them to be neat looking airplanes. Thank you for the wonderful photos!
Great Page. I was looking for info on the 25th infantry division and i stumbled across your page. My teacher Mike Coney was in
the 25th infantry division. I like your page very much thanks for making it.
Very nice web page and great photo's. I was with C Co
1/27th Inf WOLFHOUNDS, from
I was with co. C 75th LRRP Rangers. I spent about 3 months with the 25th in 68
as a shooter. Welcome Home.
Thanks for the great photos! We lived in the 5 Cities for 6 years and it's nice
to touch base with a SLO person. We've been following Lancair
since their Santa Rosa days, but haven't bought one yet! Thanks again.... Kelly
and Nancy